I posted a while ago about the fucking disaster that my office had become, hoping that the shame of public exposure would prompt me to clean it. Sadly, I am apparently immune to shame, as the mess sat there until I was forced to clear out the room for Christmas as it's where all the presents are kept and wrapped before "Santa" puts them under the tree. But even after all the scraps of paper and bits of tape and ribbon had been cleared away, it wasn't looking any too special. I needed inspiration. And it arrived in the mail in the form of a package from my wonderful, talented, beautiful, kind, and patient web designer, Alyssa Yuhas. It contained a gift, a print that I fell in love with and immediately wanted to frame and hang on the wall of my office where it would inspire me every day. So I did.

But hanging it up forced me to confront the fact that my office was still disgusting, and apparently wasn't going to clean itself. Ugh. But there was no way around it, so I got to work. What follows is the result, complete with before and after photos. Here's the view from the door before:


Here's the rest of the room, before:

And after:

The TV wall and desk, before:

And after:

As for the parts that were too gross/blocked by crap to document for the "before" photos, here is some more "after.":

Windowsill, Bulletin Board I
Stacked Photos Waiting to be Hung, Storage Totes
CU Storage Totes (L.L. Bean, excellent for storing file folders)
Bulletin Board II
Bulletin Board III
First Painting I Ever Owned, Top of Pillows on Bed
And of course, the print that helped me get my fat ass into gear and clean up this dump in the first place:

Words to Live By
Thank you, Alyssa, for the lovely print and the kick in the ass that it provided. See, even I need a kick in the ass sometimes (shut up, Ted). And only by keeping my own shit in order can I continue to help my clients - leading by example, if you will. Who wants to barf? Everyone? OK, fine, but it's true.