Happy Tuesday, lovers! Tuesday means another color collective from the beautiful Brynn at Chartreuse and a Twist, and thank God that this week she chose blue, indigo to be exact, because I have realized over months of contributing to the color collectives that I don't really have all that much color in the house. At least not till I turned my living room into a Moroccan souk - now I have every color in the rainbow on one couch...

But I digress. Blue is everyone's favorite color, and it's one of mine as well. Here is my compilation of indigo I pulled together on short notice:

Books, a throw pillow, a glass pitcher, a silk dress from Calypso, and a box of matches. But it's more than a photo, it pretty much sums up my whole life. How? Let me enumerate.

From left to right:

Photo album with my wedding photos in it. Well, that's not completely accurate. My wedding photographer went out of business in the time between when I got married and when I called him to order the prints and books that we had, mind you, already paid for. And when I say "went out of business" I mean "fell off the fucking earth." Couldn't be found in real life or on the Internet for love or money. So I don't have any professional wedding photos, all I have are the 4x6 proofs. Which is probably just as well as I was 20 pounds heavier then and I have crazy eyes in every photo because I was super-stressed despite all the extra Xanax.

Art books, shelter books, I could live on coffee table books. I am one of the few people that actually reads those mofos from cover to cover, and having them around is like being surrounded by old friends.

Glass pitcher that we didn't need, serves basically no practical purpose, and yet I bought anyway. This is the type of purchase that makes Ted want to divorce me. But whatever, it looks so pretty holding yellow tulips, it's almost worth the fight we had when the box arrived.

Throw pillow. One of nine that I just had made for the living room. Enough said on that front, I think.

Silk dress from Calypso. As I have mentioned, I have a problem with Calypso. Enough progress has been made that I now only shop from the sale section, but their prices are so high that it's still a bit of a problem. But this dress rocks and has a sash that makes your waist look tiny. Worth every penny, if you ask me. Not so much if you ask Ted.

Box of matches with a lovely drawing of a Chinese ginger jar on the cover. I use matches like people go through kleenex. I light candles every night, at least four, sometimes more. And I love Chinese ginger jars. But the newly cost-concious person I am trying to become cannot afford to fill the house with REAL ginger jars, so I settle for the ones painted on the matchbooks. See, Ted? I'm trying!

And let's not forget the background - Van Deusen Blue from Benjamin Moore. That's the color of my dining room from the chair rail to the ceiling. I know, a blue dining room is random. But it works, I swear. You'll just have to trust me because the lighting in that room sucks and makes it impossible to take a decent photo, but it might be my favorite room in the house.

So there you go! Go paint your dining room blue! Look at your wedding photos and reminisce! Buy fresh flowers and put them in a colorful vase and then look through all your coffee table books! Have fun :)