So it's that time of year again, when I try to get the family together and take one photo where we all look awesome so I can use it for the all-important holiday card. As I have mentioned, the holiday card goes out far and wide (and this year, very late) and it must convey the most important message of the season.  No, no. Not world peace, or let's all love each other, or count your many blessings.

No, the message I need to convey is that my family is perfect and happy and attractive and that we all get along all of the time. In other words, perpetrate an enormous lie.

The first shoot (which also turned out to be the last shoot) found us back at Ted's Dad and step-Mom's house:

When I tell you that this is the best of the photos taken that day, I am telling the truth, despite the fact that Ted's eyes are closed, I have three chins, Andrew's smile is so fake it hurts, and William looks like he just stopped crying... Which was indeed the case:

Andrew is trying for an even faker smile while William wails away...

Ted and Andrew are fine, I'm clearly trying to explain to William that he needs to shut up for five seconds.

Andrew looks like he's on drugs, the expression on my face perfectly sums up how I was feeling, William has finally stopped sobbing, and Ted looks like he wishes he was a thousand miles away.

I could have lived with this one, despite my several chins, were it not for the expression on Will's face. He looks so suspicious of the whole thing, and as though he's about to start crying. Again.

The above photos were taken the weekend after Thanksgiving, and it proved impossible to even attempt another shoot. Finally, I remembered the photos we had taken on our summer vacation.

Am I in love with it? No. It's fine. Whatever. I'm not crazy about the card stock either, and was totally bitter when I received cards that were letterpressed, or on really heavy card stock. But that's not what's important about the holidays, is it? Peace, love, and joy to all 12 of you!