Here it is Tuesday already, and even though we JUST talked Pinterest, I did proclaim that Tuesday was going to be the day of the week when I showed off something I pinned that I also managed to accomplish in real life. And it seemed sort of lame to skip the first Tuesday. So let's get our Pinterest on, yo:

I will admit that missing the first Pinterest Tuesday, though lame, wouldn't have been half as lame as the pin for which I am going to claim credit this week. Don't believe me? Wait for it...

That's right. I wore a scarf. Albeit a scarf that I tied in a slightly new and different way, but let's not put lipstick on a pig. Even I was not particularly challenged by this pin.

However, I am including it in the series because not only do I think that tying a scarf this way looks super cute, but I actually got compliments from colleagues the day I wore this. And not even colleagues who like me very much. So there's something to it, this scarf-tying trick.

And if you think I'm not about to show you photographs of me in the scarf, you are sadly mistaken. There are a few things I would like to say before we get to the photos, though.

1. I am wearing my hair in a style that my friend Theresa refers to as "that thing." As in, "What the fuck do you think you are doing with that thing on your head?" I, personally, believe it to be an adorable bun, messy but in a cute way. I may be alone in this.

2. I am wearing a sweater that is the exact same color as the scarf I used. It does not make for an exceptional photographic example of the scarf tying trick. I did it because I wanted to show the actual outfit I wore with the scarf, and this is how I dress in real life. Except...

3. In real life I wear a brassiere, whereas in these photos, I am not wearing a brassiere. To clarify, I am wearing a camisole-type top thing that has a built-in shelf bra. But those of you who have been cursed blessed with a generous bosom know that a "shelf bra" doesn't really do the trick.

4. I also wear make up in real life, at least when I am taking a picture of myself that will be on a public website, even one that about five people read, but since you can't even really see 80% of my face I didn't bother. You can, however, see my double chin. Good times.

Now on to the main event:

Why I Couldn't Have Cleaned Up The Crap On The Stairs, I Don't Know
Close Up, In Case You Missed Something
You accomplish this sartorial feat like so: Double the scarf and hang it around your neck with the loop on one side and the ends on the other. Put one (1) end through the loop.  Here's where it gets tricky, and you have to pay attention: with the one end through the loop, TWIST the loop, like in a figure eight, sort of. Then put the OTHER end of the scarf through the circle you created by twisting the loop. Adjust. You're welcome.

And yes, I am aware that there is an election going on, even as I type. But learning new ways to tie a scarf is also important. I mean, we're only stuck with the elected President, whoever that might be, for four years, but you can use this handy-dandy trick forever. You do the math.