I am an avid pinner. And that is an understatement; I currently have 78 Pinterest boards and 8,104 pins.

How do I manage to hold down a full-time job, raise two kids, find time to sex up Ted, and maintain any real-life friendships, you may be wondering? Well, it's not easy, I'll give you that. But my love for Pinterest knows no bounds. And while the vast (VAST) majority of the things I pin are, so to speak, aspirational, every now and then I am seized with a fit of motivation and attempt to do something that I have pinned.

I have already recounted how the silver de-tarnishing experiment went, and while that particular exercise was unsuccessful, I have no intention of quitting. Not me. I'm no quitter. Unless the job at hand is hard, or the conditions uncomfortable, or I feel like I'd rather be sitting on the couch having a snack... Then I'm definitely a quitter. In fact, I usually don't even start in the first place.

But I digress. I'm here to inform you that I will be starting a repeating blog post on "Pinterest Things I Have Tried in Real Life" (hence the title of this post). I'm hoping it will be a weekly event, but that seems a bit ambitious. But who knows, stranger things have happened, so let's say Tuesday. What the hell else does Tuesday have going for it anyway? And yes, I know today is not Tuesday, but whatever. From now on, the Pinterest posts will be on Tuesday.

I'll start with the first thing I did that was inspired by a photo I saw on Pinterest. I got a tattoo. If you're thinking, "Wow, that seems awfully permanent, why not just start with that pin on how to clean the blades of your ceiling fan with a pillowcase?" you are probably a sane, normal person with a brain in her head. Me? Well, you've read the blog.

Here's the photo I fell in love with:

If you're on Pinterest at all, you've probably seen it. Some people love it, others hate it. I loved it. Obviously:

They don't look a lot alike in these two photos, but when you see them next to each other they look a little more similar:

OK, maybe not. But that's cool; I wanted it to be different, to be "mine," if that makes any sense. Also, I only did my right arm. I mean, Jesus, what am I? Some lunatic? Beside, I've got other plans for my left arm.

Stay tuned to hear about my attempts at no-sew window treatments, a Christmas wreath made from a pool noodle, my son's superhero birthday party, and much, much more. See, the thing is about this topic is that if the project goes well, you'll learn something - mainly that any idiot can do that specific pin. If it goes badly, chances are it'll be pretty funny. It's a win/win situation, at least for you.